I’m traveling to Peru during a government strike / huelga… should I be worried?

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I’ve talked quite a bit about my wife and my upcoming trip to Peru.  We’ve got our lie flat seats to Peru, booked our hotel at the Tambo del Inka and even managed to book the one flight I forgot to book!

[I’m booking 6 trips for 3 different families… and it’s starting to freak me out]

Last night though I got an email from the Tambo del Inka hotel, talking about an upcoming government strike (huelga) in Urubamba

So….. yeah?

Anyone have any insight on this or how it might affect our trip?  Thankfully this isn’t during either our flights.  We actually just (finally) booked our tickets to Machu Picchu and it’s not during either of these dates either

Looking through some of the news articles, I don’t see anything about it yet, though I…

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