
Best Things To Do In Berlin

Best Things To Do In Berlin Germany | Must-See Places And Best Sightseeing In Berlin | via @Just1WayTicket

You’re looking for the best things to do in Berlin? Great, you have come to the right place. No need to look further. I called Berlin my home for many years. You know how I ended
up there? Let’s back up a bit…


In 2005, flights were cheaper than ever. I lived in the South of Germany, and one morning I saw an advertising of an airline (that meanwhile doesn’t exist anymore) offering flights to
Berlin for only €19,99 (US$25). I couldn’t believe it until I went online to find out that it was true.



Long story, but the short version is: Two weeks later I packed my bags for my very first trip to Berlin, and guess what happened? I was completely blown away. Berlin was unique, dirty,
cheap and oh so different, compared to the rest of Germany.


I returned home, visited my parents and told them that I was moving to Berlin. Just like that. And three months…

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