
The Most Significant King Arthur Locations in Wales and England

Very few kings and queens can boast having a reputation so widely known as that of King Arthur. While tangible proofs of his life are unfortunately quite scarce — with many modern historians questioning whether he even existed at all — the legend is alive and well in the minds of almost anyone mildly interested in Camelot, round tables, Merlin, Excalibur and medieval Britain. In light of the upcoming release of King Arthur: Legend of the Sword movie which was extensively shot in and around Britain, and following an epic trip to most of the filming spots, I’ve compiled a list of signification King Arthur locations across Wales and England.

Notable King Arthur LocationsImage courtesy of Visit Britain. Click for interactive features.

Surprisingly enough for someone of such notoriety, very little is known about the heroic Romano-British warrior chief aside from literary inventions and romanticised folklore tales gleaned and slightly embroidered from the Annales Cambriae and the Historia…

Categories:   To Europe And Beyond
