Top 5 authentic Alpine ski resorts

You’ve waited all year, the snow has started to fall, the resorts are opening, one by one, it won’t be long before you arrive at your chosen destination. If you’re an old hand and you’ve been going to the Alps for several seasons you’ll already have your preferred choices, however if you’re new to the delights of skiing it pays to choose your resort carefully. You don’t want to turn up at a purpose built resort lacking in charm and ambience. Ugly concrete buildings and higgeldy piggeldy infrastructure do nothing for the feel good factor. When you’re not on the slopes, a resort with civic pride, that is geared up for more than just skiing can make or break the overall feel of your well earned break. With all that in mind I suggest the five resorts below. They all have the quintessential alpine charm in abundance, they are good for the non-skiers in your party and they posses the good looks that make you want to return season after…

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