6 days in Cabo San Lucas: an escape to Esperanza on the edge of a pandemic

It’s March 11th. Our President has just announced that all US nationals must return from Europe. There is panic at airports, and at universities, where students are studying abroad. There is panic overseas as Americans scramble to get home within the stated two-day window. There is panic everywhere, it seems. I panic, too.

Later on that night, my husband, Daniel, and I go back and forth about whether we go away as planned, or stay home. It’s spring break, that coveted two-week bridge between winter and spring, cold and hot. We agree—we will stay. An hour later, we agree again—let’s go. The next morning, we agree one more time—we should stay. Rarely are our views in such alignment! Somehow though, it isn’t very comforting.

We are aware that this might be our last family holiday for a while, our last flights for even longer, and that we are taking a chance, slipping through a loophole. We know our family would benefit from time away,…

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