
What is the hotel experience like now and after COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially changed our lives for the past months. During the lockdown, we all drastically missed our freedom – and even more the freedom to travel. But easing around the globe is slowly beginning with the prospect of resuming, reasonable normality once again. The pandemic has affected the entire world, and every country has taken different measures to combat the effects of the pandemic. Furthermore, every country and region has adopted its own specific ways to best deal with improvement strategies after the pandemic outbreak.

China is the first to open

China’s tourism industry was hit the hardest by the pandemic. But now the first planes are taking off again and the hotels open their welcoming doors again. While, many guests have been enjoying themselves in China for 3 week-long stays, this is now imminent in Europe. The United States is expected to follow in a few weeks. The luxury hotels in China are already…

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