Things *Not* To Do When You’re Bored at Home

These are challenging times, for everyone. Like you, I’ve been stuck at home with a lot of time on my hands. In some ways, I’m a little lucky because while my work has been severely cut back, I’m already used to working from home—something suddenly the vast majority of the American workforce is stuck doing right now.

Truthfully, I never actually enjoyed working from home. There were just too many distractions and I always preferred separating my home and work spaces. I then find it easier to compartmentalize my work, hobbies, fun activities, living so that I don’t go crazy stuck in the same place. But oh well. Here we are today; everyone working from home and staying in all day, every day (except for occasional, allowed trips to get necessities).

In these especially confusing and trying times, though, there are some things I am trying my best to simply *not* do. I’m finding it very hard to focus on the little work I still have. I’m not…

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