Future travel inspiration: the unspoiled Spanish island of La Palma

The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has certainly had a profound impact on the travel industry in a way that has never been experienced before.  With travel professionals seeing a sudden downturn in people exploring the world, now is perhaps a time to re-evaluate what travellers may be looking to experience when holidays can, once again, be placed on people’s agendas. With individuals and families having to spend so much time confined to their homes, getting back to nature will be a welcome opportunity to see somewhere new when travel becomes safe for everyone.

One such year-round destination would be the Spanish island of La Pama in the Canary Islands.  The northernmost of the islands, La Palma has been declared as a World
Biosphere and Starlight Reserve.  The island’s nickname is la isla bonita – the pretty island – and is certainly justified once you see its …

·         Outstanding natural beauty
·         Fantastic…

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