Philippines From The Air – Incredible Drone Footage Reveals Nothing But Paradise

Philippines From The Air - Incredible Drone Footage Reveals Nothing But Paradise | via @Just1WayTicket

Welcome to paradise. After 2 months traveling across the Philippines we created an epic drone video of all the places we visited. The video went kinda viral on Facebook, even the
travel magazine Lonely Planet and the drone company DJI
shared our video


We got so much positive feedback on our drone footage, so eventually I decided to put a blog post together and share some of our favorite photos. To be honest, there were so many
amazing ones, I try to limit this to our absolute best 10 shots. All these images were taken with a drone, the DJI Phantom 3.



The Philippines

from a bird’s eye perspective.


We created this footage to show people how stunningly beautiful the Philippines really are. The Philippines is a country, scattered over more than 7000 islands. You’re never far away
from a beach. 


Let me show you some of…

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