
Six Strategies for Success in Latin America

Salsa music - Trinidad, Cuba (photo: Dave Lee)
Salsa music – Trinidad, Cuba

So, you are planning to go to Latin America. And you’re wondering how much Spanish you need to know, how long it will take to learn it, and whether will it be worth it.

I will tell you up front that if you make long-term fluency your goal, it will be worth it.

Learning a foreign language to fluency is a great achievement and will broaden your perspectives.

There is an old saying, “He who learns a new language acquires a new soul.”

It is remarkable how a different side of you can open up when you learn a new language.

Learning a language to fluency, by the way, is not a quick thing–despite what some programs advertise!

I once heard a radio advertisement saying “You can be speaking Spanish in 10 minutes!”

What that meant was that a specific question like what time is it (que hora es?) was taught to the learner, and if the learner could say it, he was, therefore “speaking Spanish.” 

There are better and worse ways to learn Spanish, but…

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