
19 of the Best Old Montreal Restaurants

Old Montreal - Place Jacques-Cartier

While immensely enjoyable at any time of the year, Old Montreal restaurants are particularly fun come summertime when patios spill out onto the cobblestone streets and apéro (a happy hour of sorts) is celebrated rather extensively.

With so many establishments to choose from, it can be hard, even for a local, to find the perfect place to spend the evening; you don’t want to fall into a pricey tourist trap, do you?

If you’re feeling hungry after a lengthy WALKING TOUR OF OLD MONTREAL or if you’ve been EXPLORING OLD PORT MONTREAL all day and deserve a damn drink, here’s a hand-picked selection of yummy Old Montreal restaurants ranging from affordable festive fare to high-end-reservations-mandatory gastronomic odyssey.

Bon appétit!


Old Montreal Restaurants -- Mélisse -- Where to Eat in Old Montreal

This highly inviting café-restaurant-buvette hybrid drew up a locally-sourced, seasonal menu focusing first and foremost on quality and affordable prices.

The contemporary bistro with strong LA vibes revitalised this…

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