These 10 Photos Will Make You Want to Sail Around Croatia

If Croatia is on your bucket list, one of the best ways to travel this gorgeous country is by sailing the coastline while visiting a new port every night! Sailing the coast gives you the freedom of visiting multiple locations without the hassle or the stress of renting and driving a car.
Sailing Croatia has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. I had been begging Scott to come with me, but the fear of seasickness always prevented us from booking the trip. Yes, I could have gone solo, but I had high hopes that I would finally wear Scott down and convince him to go!
When Yacht Getaways — a sister company of MedSailors — invited us to experience one of their trips, it felt like the perfect time to finally say yes. We spent a week in early September in a shared catamaran with four private cabins. We had a blast with our boat mates and ended up becoming great friends with them. I’m happy to report that Scott didn’t get sick — thanks to taking some precautionary…
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