
Tips for Driving from San Jose to La Fortuna and Vice Versa

One of the most popular routes for visitors to Costa Rica is from San Jose to La Fortuna. Although driving in Costa Rica may seem scary (you have probably already read some horror stories), many of the routes and destinations are easy to get to with good roads and this is one of them. The worst part of this route will be getting out of San Jose but once you’re out of the chaotic capital city, it’s smooth sailing from there.

Here is our guide to driving from San Jose to La Fortuna and vice versa.

Driving from San Jose to La Fortuna and Arenal

San Jose to La Fortuna Route

There are 2 ways from San Jose to La Fortuna: by way of Naranjo and Ciudad Quesada and by way of San Ramon. You can take either way but the San Ramon route is the shortest and is the one I’ll be going over in this article.

How Far is La Fortuna from San Jose?

The distance between San Jose and La Fortuna is about 130 kilometers or 80 miles. The distance between SJO Airport and La Fortuna is about 115 km or 72 miles (remember the SJO Airport is not in San…

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