Inner Circle is the Dating App Perfect for Travelers
One of my most popular posts is called “Accidental Boyfriend” about finding love abroad and it is something on many people’s minds when they travel. While people are traveling to try the food and new experiences, they might also wonder if they’ll meet someone. You very well might, but the app Inner Circle is there to help you.
The Dating App Perfect for Travelers
It’s not always so lucky that you will cross paths with your soul mate, for example, what are the chances that I an American and Ben a Brit were in Goa, India at the same time to meet? Not very good! This app kind of helps you along to meet someone you might be in the same town as abroad, and would otherwise not know it.
So, first let me tell you what the app is before we go into how travelers can use it, as the traveler feature is just a new addition.
This app is a “selective” dating platform that “connects ambitious like-minded poeple” meaning that when you sign up, you are first vetted before your…
Categories: Hippie In Heels