Spring in Croatia: Croatia Nature Parks | Croatia Travel Blog
Croatia is packed with abundant things to see and do, but perhaps its most attractive calling is nature. There are 11 nature parks in Croatia, and each one of them has protected status for a very good reason. I can’t think of a better time to head out and get close to nature, than Spring in Croatia. The weather is slowly warming up, the flowers are in full bloom and the days are longer.
Full of wildlife, flora, and fauna, and marine life, Croatia’s nature parks are all open to visit, however, some are easier to visit than others. Let’s check them out one by one.
Kopacki Rit Nature Park
This is probably the most visited of all the nature parks in the country, and it is located in the east, in Bilje, on the Croatia-Serbia border. This is one of the largest and one of the most important wetlands in Europe, which is totally intact, and a zoological reserve.
You can find around 260 different types of birds here, so…
Categories: Chasing the Donkey