
CUBA: Exquisite Ropa Vieja (Recipe)

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GUEST POST: Daniel Stauffer is a blogger and cigar enthusiast who shares with us his favorite ropa vieja recipe, as well as recommendations on where to try this dish in Cuba.

There is no dish more beloved in Cuban culture than hearty, aromatic Ropa Vieja. This delicious beef-and-tomato stew is classic comfort food for every Cuban and is an experience every traveler must try on their trip to this vibrant island.

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Rope Vieja

Ropa Vieja is steeped in culinary history and holds a special place in the hearts of the Cuban people. Originating in Spain over 500 years ago, Sepharidc Jews on the Iberian Peninsula would slow cook a pot of Ropa Vieja on the night before the Sabbath, as cooking is forbidden on this holy…

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