
Best way to get from Arlanda to Stockholm city

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My son and I have an upcoming trip to Stockholm, Sweden.  We will be there for 4 nights (a 5th night will be spend “sleeping” on a red eye to Stockholm – SEE ALSO: 4 tips for surviving a red eye flight in economy). Our red eye flight arrives at Arlanda airport at about 7 a.m. and so I have been researching tips on the best way to get from Arlanda to Stockholm city.  I thought I would share the fruits of my research as well as see if any of you readers have suggestions on the fastest, cheapest and best way to get from Arlanda airport to Stockholm central city.

Arlanda airport (ARN) is the larger of Stockholm’s two airports (Bromma airport is the other) and is located 42km (26 miles) north of the Stockholm city…

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