
The First-Timer’s Travel Guide to Seoul, South Korea (2019)

Korea is fast becoming one of our favorite countries to visit. With each new dish discovered, with every K-drama series that wraps us in its grip, we fall in love with it more and more. Korean pop culture has taken the world by storm and it shows no signs of slowing down.

So enamored are Ren and her girlfriends with all things Korean that they’ve named their Messenger group “the Koryans”. They call each other unni, which means “older sister” in Korean, and exchange tips on the latest shows, gossip, and best skin care products. They’ll be taking their first trip to Korea this year, their first as a group and for most of them, their first ever in Korea. They’re staying in Myeongdong so it scares me to think how many suitcases full of cosmetics and socks they’ll be bringing home.

Ren and I have been to Seoul twice before so I won’t be joining them on that trip. I will however link up with her at the tail end of it so we can explore more of this exciting, very…

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