
Dr. Joe Dispenza Meditation Retreat

After experiencing two of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s week-long meditation retreats, I wanted to share my thoughts and tips on what to expect and how to prepare!

My introduction to Dr. Joe’s work began about two years ago — when one of my favorite transformational speakers, Kyle Cease, shared a video of Dr. Joe talking about why it’s so hard to change our habits. Dr. Joe’s scientific explanation about how the brain works and how our subconscious mind can sabotage our efforts to change our beliefs and habits rang so true for me personally.

For years, I had known that reprogramming my subconscious was the key to changing my unhealthy habits, but this seemed like such an impossible task. I had tried hypnotherapy, meditation, plant medicine, positive affirmations — and while while those things were all beneficial in their own way, I still felt like my conscious mind and my subconscious mind were on two completely different planets.

It wasn’t until I spent a week at one of Dr. Joe…

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