5 reasons why traveling should be considered radically differently after COVID 19

“We think we’re going on a journey, but sooner or later, it’s the journey that builds you, or undoes you.” shared Nicolas Bouvier, traveler and writer of the last century.

How many of us, with a growing access to the world through the internet, are enjoying traveling nowadays almost in the same way as we can enjoy a film? Indeed, the internet has changed the paradigm. Bookings only take a minute while it took weeks, just a few decades ago, to send a request by mail and make a contract for a stay or enter a travel agency to build up a trip that usually was the trip of the year.

Over the last decade, we have been traveling and crossing continents easily – just as easily as the virus we are now facing. What if this special time was just a fantastic opportunity to reconsider our relationship with the world? Aren’t there at least 5 main reasons why traveling should be considered…

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