Epic luxury holidays near and far in 2020

There’s no need to avoid making holiday plans in 2020 – and with a slight shift in focus, it might even become one of your best holidays yet. On a luxury yacht charter you are in control of your destinations – where you visit, how much time you spend there and whether you even set foot on land at all. You could spend a week or longer in the romantic Maldives and Seychelles, where it’s only your footprints that are pressed into the golden sands, and there’s no other signs of civilisation for miles.

Instead of trying to fill your short stay with all of the top-recommended attractions, spend quality time reconnecting with family and friends and get to know the environment for its own beauty. There are tons of activities, from water sports and sunbathing to hiking and biking along trails, rock climbing and even paragliding.

Private transportation

From the moment you leave your front door to the moment you return, you can choose to take…

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