Paradise islands that almost nobody has visited, still

There are popular and typical destinations, islands with paradisiacal beaches to which everyone has gone … or at least dreams of doing so. But on our big blue planet there are still beautiful holiday destinations that you may have never heard of. Keep reading and discover the some islands that will leave you speechless.


This island nation located in the South Pacific comprises no less than 83 islands, where little more than 250,000 inhabitants live. Thanks to its limestone floor and its volcanic origin, many of the islands have beautiful “blue holes” that have become a magnet for diving enthusiasts in turquoise waters. One of the best known is the “blue hole” of Nanda on the island of Santo. Despite being a relatively unknown place, Vanuatu has a lot to offer: active volcanoes (one of the most famous is on the island of Tanna), cultural and sporting events, festivals and many places to practice immersion among which there are…

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