
How to Avoid House Sitting Nightmares – 10 Questions to Ask Before Confirming a House Sit

You found a house sit that looks absolutely amazing, you applied for it, the pet owners have gotten back at you and it looks like they even want you, too? Congratulations, this is awesome! But
now hold on for a second!


Before you scream YES and buy your flight tickets, breath in and out first, and then ask the pet owners for a phone or video call. To make sure the house sit goes
smoothly and is a perfect match for both parties, it’s essential to share each others expectations upfront.


The checklist below covers some of the most important questions to ask the pet owner, before agreeing to house sit for them. 



Most important question. You must know what to do and how to handle the pet(s). Some pets need more attention and care than others, be sure you know what are you going for. Ask if the pets
need any special treatment or medication and make sure you are fully capable of doing this. 

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