5 positives to a ski holiday lacking in snow

The snow sports industry is entirely at the whim of the weather and – as much as we wish that we could – we simply cannot control it. Having a bad snow season unfortunately goes with the territory, though of course our disappointment is entirely valid when we fly across the globe only to find that the snow is not what we had expected. That said, low snow years in ski resorts can also have some unexpected upsides, so here are our top 5 silver linings to a low snow season.

1. Less crowded

As you can imagine, once word gets out that a ski destination is struggling for snow, far less people make plans to go there and some may even cancel their trips. The result for those already there or committed to going is far less people, crowds, hype, noise and generally busyness. During mid-week, one could find themselves alone on wide open slopes, no queues and a distinct lack of other tourists fighting for spaces in restaurants, buses and gondolas! It is…

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