How Canceling Netflix Saved Me Time & Made Me Happier

By now, it’s no surprise that the end of 2019 was a stressful time for me—personally and professionally. But now that we’re in 2020 and I’ve declared it the YEAR OF ME, I’ve committed to spending my time more productively. And on more of the things that make me happier.

Netflix is a big part of our lives and has been for a long time. I had a Netflix subscription way back when, when DVDs came in the mail in those flat red envelopes. But in the past few years, Netflix had become so much a part of my daily routine, falling asleep to TV reruns or re-watching movies I’ve seen hundreds of time.

In the last few months, I realized I was spending hours each day watching Netflix (or Hulu, or YouTube, or Amazon Prime, or HBO Go). Sure, it was fun and relaxing, but it’s also sedentary and, after-a-while, kind of boring.

Don’t get me wrong: film and TV are great, and they’re still some of my biggest interests. But Netflix takes a lot of the joy…

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