2020 Car Hire Bosnia Guide – Driving In Bosnia & Herzegovina

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If you want to truly explore a country, there is no better way than doing it on your own steam and hiring a car. It’s always worthwhile doing some research on the driving rules of that particular country before your trip, so you don’t run into trouble.

If you’re considering visiting Bosnia & Herzegovina, you have plenty of destination options in front of you. Because distances can be great and there are many off-the-beaten-track destination that aren’t always well-served by public transport, hiring a car in Bosnia is a wonderful way to see the passing landscapes. This way, you can explore at your own pace, and won’t be rushed or feel pressured to leave at a certain time.

Many people begin their tour of the country in the capital, Sarajevo, and there are plentiful historic places to check out here. In addition to that city, there are many other places of interest, including Jajce…

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