Dating in NYC – Tips to Know When You’re New to New York Dating

Hey! In an attempt to get more personal, I’m starting to share more stories and tips from my day-to-day life outside of my regular city guides and travel stories. Have some feedback? Send me a tweet or message on Instagram @travelsofadam.

When I moved to New York City, I tried my best to prepare for a new urban life. Since I was a kid and heard my dad’s stories about NYC, I knew it would be some kind of crazy.

I must have read a hundred different blogs about life in NYC, about finding apartments, the best neighborhoods, how to live cheaply, where to find free or cheap things… I looked it all up and kept a running list of “life in NYC” goals.

But then, once I moved to the Big City, newly single, I wasn’t totally prepared for dating. Making friends and meeting new people is never really easy, add in the desire for love and romance, and it’s that much more of a challenge.

And yet, I persisted.

Spoiler alert: dating in NYC isn’t…

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