Top 5 luxury yachts in the world

There are several marinas is Palma de Mallorca and the net worth of the yachts and super yachts moored there on a typical day must run into trillions of Euros. It’s fascinating to walk along the Paseo Maritimo and gawp at the sheer scale and luxury of some of the boats. There are usually teams of deck hands buffing the chrome, swabbing the decks and polishing the glass. They certainly like to keep them spic and span. I guess if you’ve spent multiple millions you’d want things ship shape.

Occasionally you see a super yacht that dwarfs even the largest of the luxury yachts. I’m not sure it’s correct to call these behemoths yachts at all. They probably qualify to be called ships. The price of these floating villages is eye watering and only the very wealthiest people on the planet can possibly afford to commission the design and building of such vast vessels.

Each year, international super yacht builders from around the word launch and…

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