Metaxí Mas: The Best Restaurant in Santorini, According to Locals

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As much as we’d love to find the “best restaurant” in every destination, it’s an unrealistic task so we don’t bother. What does “best” mean anyway? Is it the best because it’s the most refined? The most authentic? The most innovative? The best value for money?

The criteria for “best restaurant” goes on and on, making it nearly impossible to quantify and measure – especially for something as subjective as taste!

But when I was doing food research for our trip to Santorini, I kept running into articles and reviews that consistently pointed to a “best restaurant” on the island. For the reasons listed above, I don’t usually listen to those types of statements but the chatter in this case was too strong and too consistent to ignore.

From locals to bloggers to reviewers on

Categories:   Will Fly for Food
