5 places to experience Brazil’s contemporary art

Native American buildings were the original architecture and building blocks of Brazil.  More colonial styles became prevalent with arrival of the Portuguese in the 1500s and these cobbled streets and ornate buildings remain well preserved.   However it was in the 1960s that Brazil entered the ‘big league’ of the world architecture scene with a modernist movement led by Oscar Niemeyer who’s enduring masterpiece is Brazil’s capital, Brasilia.  Niemeyer blazed a trail for other modern architects, landscape designers and contemporary artists to follow.  Their work can be found throughout Brazil.  Here we round up for you our ‘must see’ cities in Brazil for contemporary art and architecture.


Brasília is Brazil’s futuristic federal capital and is the work of architects Oscar Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa and Joaquim Cardozo, along with landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, who were united in their vision of simplicity and…

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