Top 5 Marble Structures in Europe

Leaning Tower of Pisa
Leaning Tower of Pisa (photo: Dave Lee)

The use of marble to create artistic structures has been in place for centuries.

Both the Romans and the Greeks selected marble for their structures due to its allure and elegance.

The process of mining marble, however, was quite lengthy, especially in the day before machinery.

Hammers and wedges were used to chisel around and loosen the stone.

The marble was then pulled from the earth, assisted by archaic, yet remarkably effective pulleys, winches, levers, and wooden beams.

Throughout the centuries, sculptors have experimented with a variety of materials such as bronze, wood, and clay.

But marble has captivated artist and art-enthusiasts alike, and since then, marble has taken a pretty prominent place in sculptures throughout the world.

Marble claims its fame across the world

Marble has carved a place for itself in history. Some of the most famous and influential buildings in the world were either made from or included a large quantity, of…

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