5 of the best ancient archeological sites to visit on a private yacht charter in the Greek Cycladic Islands

Amidst the white cubic houses with cobalt blue trim, the blue domed white churches, the white trimmed stepped walking streets, the arid beautiful terraced landscapes, the olive, lemon and orange trees, and the grazing goats, are remnants of the ancient civilizations that also once roamed these beautiful islands millenniums ago. And for the historian, and archeology buff, the best way to visit the various and fascinating excavations taking place on these islands, some only having unearthed 5% of what is still to be revealed, is by private yacht charter, as there is no regular ferry system that connects exactly the islands that have these archeological sites, nor is there airline service. The only way to travel between the Cycladic Islands of your choice is to charter a yacht and let the Captain know where you want to go. As after all, this is what private yacht charter is all about….cruising where you want to go, when you want to go….

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