7 Things To Know For Vegans Traveling To Croatia | Croatia Travel Blog

Written by Sanja Jovanovic from Karma Flo Yoga. Sanja is a Croatian expat living in Split and has hopes of inspiring you to live your best life with healthy recipes, travel, parenting (mis)haps and of course yoga. Connect with her Instagram @karmafloyoga  

Excited for your upcoming trip to Croatia – the small Balkan country that has topped destination lists for the past few years and everyone seems to be dreaming of, planning or just returned from – but perhaps worried about your vegan options while traveling?

Well forget anything you’ve heard about the Eastern European meat & potato, cabbage roll, and sausage menu because Croatia’s food scene has diversified exponentially in recent years!

Along with all the new restaurants and fast-casual dining spots that have opened, it’s good to know that beans, pasta, and vegetables are staples in Croatian cooking and many dishes are centered around these very healthy and vegan ingredients.

While more inland and remote areas…

Categories:   Chasing the Donkey
