Saving Money For Travel: 7 Smart Banking Tips

Can you guess the number 1 reason why most people don’t travel more?


Yep, you got it. Not too hard to guess.

Ordinary middle-class folks like you and me can’t take a major international vacation with the money in their back pocket (if you can, share some over here!).

It all starts with a dream and a savings account.

You’re probably overflowing with travel dreams thanks to drool-worthy Instagram posts from far-flung destinations, so how do you get the cash to make the dream happen?

That’s one of the most common questions I get asked. The in-depth answer is as varied and unique as each individual, but there are a few universal strategies that apply to everyone. And this is what I want to share with you.


Let’s start with where your money lives today – the bank. If it’s underneath your mattress, then you don’t have to worry about banking. But I’m guessing that’s not you.

There’s a plethora of websites giving you savings advice on how to drink…

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