6 Years Living In Croatia: Top 6 Things I’ve Seen, Done & Experienced

Begonja Family. Mate, Sj, Roko, Vladimir - Family Photo Shot6


Quick Guide To What’s Inside

It’s like you become Croatian when you marry a Croat and move to Croatia. There is no escaping the traditions, traveling and embracing all things Croatian.

And, I would not have it any other way.

It’s been almost six years since we made the move from Australia to Croatia – and I’ll be celebrating the anniversary of our move in Split at a conference around the ideas and challenges of Croatians moving back to Croatia – at what would seem like ‘sudbina.’ That’s ‘fate’ for you non-Croatian speakers. Wink.

Mate Pavković actually was the one who taught me that word, he is one of the organizers of the ‘2nd International Conference On Diaspora Conference’, and the same person who invited both Mr. Chasing the Donkey and I to speak at the conference.

Croatian Diaspora Conference - Split 2019

This is not the first event I have been asked to speak at – but it’ll be the first one that I accepted. 

Sudbina (fate) made it possible. We had no…

Categories:   Chasing the Donkey
