Amazonia: the paradise of nature photographers

The best place in the world for nature photographers has to be Amazonia. Because of its sheer size and biodiversity, it accounts for half of the world’s tropical rainforest; it is a must for those that love to photograph nature. Whether you are a hobbyist, professional or happy snapper, you will find so many interesting shots. Amazonia covers a vast area and spreads across nine different countries, so the choice of destination is wide. The rainforest is home to a diverse amount of fauna and flora, with many unique species.

Over 2,000 species of birds and mammals, 40,000 plant species, plus fish, amphibians and reptiles, can be found there. There are over 16,000 tree species alone, all of which harbour and support different types of wildlife. Not all the plant life has been catalogued yet, and discoveries are made all the time, in the thick and crowded jungle. There are over 2.5 million species of insects alone.

One study in Ecuador counted…

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