35 Photos from Visiting Chefchaouen, Morocco’s Blue Pearl

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You may think that you’ve never heard of Chefchaouen, a small town nestled into northern Morocco’s Rif Mountains. But chances are you HAVE seen photos of “the Blue Pearl” somewhere online – because Chefchaouen’s medina is basically world famous at this point.

The medina of Chefchaouen is painted blue. And when I say “painted blue,” I mean it – nearly every wall, door, and step in sight is a shade of blue.

In a world where we trade in Instagram followers and Facebook likes, the town is basically an influencer’s dream.

Amanda in Chefchaouen
A dream of a staircase.

But did you know that Chefchaouen is NOT blue just for tourists and Instagrammers?

Chefchaouen (like most cities in Morocco) is quite old. It was settled in 1471 as a kasbah (fortress) due to its location in the…

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