January 2019 Travel and Blogging Recap

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People often say that how you start a year is an indication of how that year will go.

Well, I began 2019 eating cactus fries in Sedona, Arizona, and then watching the sun set over a snowy Grand Canyon. So, I mean, a pretty epic start to a new year. I’m not sure if there will be any more cactus fries in my future this year, but I DO expect lots of similarly awesome adventures.

Since that quick trip to the Southwest, I’ve been super busy working on not just one but TWO websites (more on this later), networking my butt off in New York City, and planning lots of travel for the rest of this year.

Here’s what my January looked like:

January: The month in travel

I began the month in the Southwest, and took another quick trip to New York City. Otherwise, I spent most of…

Categories:   A Dangerous Business Travel Blog
