Croatian Recipe: Kroštule Sweet Pastry Knots


Quick Guide To What’s Inside

In the time between Christmas and Easter, and especially for Carnival, on the coast of Croatia, lots of mothers and grandmas are making this kroštule recipe.

Kroštule is a very old recipe that has Latin roots: “crustulum.” In the Roman time, crustulum, also called, “mini Roman pancake,” was considered to be a small treat for soldiers during times of war.

This crunchy and sweet dessert is really very easy to make, but make no doubt they are very delicious. The only problem is that you can’t stop and eat just one.

There are lots of variations to this dessert in Croatia, so you can find them made differently. In some recipes, they use only one type of flour, in some they use only egg yolks and in some the whole eggs. Some recipes contain lemon or orange peel… Use this recipe as a base – and then get creative.

Enough talking, let’s bake. Here comes the recipe for the kroštule crunchy delight

Kroštule Ingredients

  • 500 g all purpose…

Categories:   Chasing the Donkey
