5 top tips for skiing with a toddler

Putting our little ones into professional ski lessons will give them a great start on the snow. Their instructor will have a tool box of tricks to teach them the necessary new skills, and experiencing in teaching small humans. With that in mind, taking your own kids for a ski is an excellent way to supplement their lessons and put mileage on their skis. If you do feel comfortable to do so – here are 5 tips to ski with your toddler.

1. It`s all snow play

The average 3 year old will be as interested in a piece of litter on the snow than they will be in their skis. The more we try to push our skiing agenda and dismiss their interest in a snowman or shovelling snow into their mouths – the more they may push back against it. Our first goal therefore is to make them comfortable in the snow and to view skiing as a fun aspect of snow play; not the sole objective of being outside. As painfully slow as it feels for us adults, it is so important to share…

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