American Trade Hotel Review, Casco Viejo, Panama City

If you looked up any article about the most well-designed boutique hotel in Panama City, you will inevitably end up with the result of the American Trade Hotel. I know I did! I stayed here for three nights when I first got to Panama City out of the five nights I was there.  This is part of the Small Luxury Hotels Collection of the World and deservedly so – it’s so beautiful!

The American Trade Hotel also has an incredible history, as does the whole area of Casco Viejo. Not too long ago, this was a “no-go” zone with gangs and violence. In 1997, it became a UNESCO town and they cleared out the rif-raf. That meant smoking out this building because there were gang members squatting here. It was a tough time, but necessary for the growth of Panama City and to help with tourism.

They renovated the hotel, and many other buildings in Casco Viejo (still in progress) and it’s now the trendiest place in Panama City – and safe, to boot!

American Trade Hotel Review

American Trade Hotel Review

The entrance.


Categories:   Hippie In Heels
