Complete Men’s India Packing List

Over the last six years traveling and Iiving in India, I have written a lot about what women should pack and wear here and given many outfit examples. Men ask me “what should we pack, though?!”, and I always think it’s so easy for you guys – that I put off writing a post about it. BUT I decided that it’s really not that easy for guys who also need to think about the culture, heat, and limited space when they pack so here we go, a men’s packing list for India!

If you’ve wound up here but are a girl, here are some posts that you’ll want to read: ultimate backpacking for India packing list, what to wear in India (outfit ideas), and the do’s and don’ts of how to dress in India

Packing for India for men doesn’t have to be much different than the way you would pack for SE Asia, Central America, or even a trip around the USA! You don’t have to think *too* much about it because while women have to follow strict rules on what is “okay” here in India like covered…

Categories:   Hippie In Heels

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