100,000 Monthly Hits and Beyond

A few years ago, I was doing research on blog advertising rates when I came across this article from Yaro Starak. He cited 100,000 monthly pageviews as the first real milestone which qualified your blog for the “big leagues”. According to him, reaching that level of monthly traffic would get the attention of brand buyers – companies that wanted brand awareness more than just raw clicks.

That number stuck in my mind and it was something I worked hard to achieve. Success is relative but for me, 100,000 seemed like a nice round number to shoot for, a milestone that validated all the effort and told me “Hey, you’re finally doing something right with your blog. You should keep going.” I’m sure anyone who’s persevered through the frustrations of a blog can relate.

Whether you started your travel blog as a business or for personal enjoyment, I think that 100,000 monthly pageviews is indeed a good first milestone to aim for. It’s difficult to reach and even harder to…

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