10 Bloggers Share Their Favorites • Indie Traveller

Solo traveling can be intimidating to a new traveler, but it’s something everyone should try at least once. Though even when you’ve studied the guidebooks front to back, you might still not be ready for the incredible yet vast world of traveling alone.

Realistically, you can travel by yourself anywhere, but the amount of challenge you’re willing to face on might vary. Do you want to dive in head-first and get lost in a place with a thick language barrier while hoping for the best? Or do you want to dip your toe in with a simpler country that’s more relatable to your own customs?

Taking the first step in traveling solo is less scary when you can see how it has inspired others. If you’re lost on where to start, these recommended places to travel (as chosen by 10 travel bloggers) should help point you in the right direction.


Thailand Sunset

When it comes to great destinations for new solo travelers, Thailand would be my choice. It’s where I first encountered backpackers and…

Categories:   Indie Traveller
