Gardens By The Bay – Singapore

The air feels refreshingly cool and humid against my skin. I can hear water running and look up at a huge mountain covered with beautiful green plants, flowers, and a gigantic waterfall. We have entered the high-tech botanical gardens of the future – The Cloud Dome inside the Gardens by The Bay Singapore! It feels like we have left our world behind and stepped into the lush alien world of Pandora. 

Tree top walk Gardens by the bay Singapore

Is it a spaceship?! Nope, it is the Cloud Forest in Gardens by the bay

Created in 2012 as part of Singapore’s government strategy of making Singapore into a “City In A Garden” and to increase the quality of life with trees, plants, and flowers, the Gardens By The Bay is an enormous futuristic botanical garden. It cost S$1 billion = US$ 726 425 000 to build, money well spent if you ask me as it is truly magical and like nothing, I have ever seen! It is the Rolls Royce of botanical gardens.

Beautifully located right by the waterfront of Marina Bay, the Gardens by the bay consists…

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