Tips for Traveling Europe as a Budget Backpacker

Duomo in Milan (photo: David Lee)
Duomo in Milan (photo: David Lee)

Backpacking continues to be a popular way of seeing Europe with speed and ease. Here’s how a budget backpacker can have the experience of a lifetime.

With more than thirty countries nestled in a space smaller than the size of the United States, Europe offers an opportunity to sample a multitude of cultures, to experience a range of architecture, and to learn about some of the world’s oldest historical locations.

Backpacking is all about doing it as cheap as possible while having as much fun as possible; here are some tips to make it happen.

Planning the Ultimate Journey

The amount of planning and research that goes into a European trip will ultimately dictate the ease and enjoyment of travel.

Timing a trip is crucial. Summer is the busiest and most expensive time to visit Europe. The popular cities, landmarks, and museums will be choked with tourists, and most hostels increase their prices.

The months before and after summer – March, April, May,…

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