My Little Guide to Jodhpur, India’s Blue City: The Best Places for Photography and the Perfect Haveli in the Old City

Did you know India has its very own “Blue City”? It does! Jodhpur, in Rajasthan. I’ve been here years ago as a backpacker and wrote some tips in this article but I recently revisited less on a backpackers budget and more on a mid-range budget. I came for fun but also to do research and see what has changed in Jodhpur since I last visited. I wanted to find the best restaurants, a hotel you guys can afford that is also cute with views, and a few new places to shop. I found all that and more!

guide to jodhpur india

guide to jodhpur india

Guide to Jodhpur stepwell

This isn’t the only blue city I’ve visited; I’ve also visited Chefchaouen in Morocco which is totally different. While in Morocco it’s clearly all painted and every single inch is blue and “new” looking – in India, it’s very faded different shades of blue and the blue parts are only in one small part of Jodhpur, not the whole city (which is the second biggest city in Rajasthan).

Why is it blue? Like Morocco, the reasons vary but a lot of people will say that it keeps the…

Categories:   Hippie In Heels
