Des Moines Iowa Points of Interest You Don’t Want to Miss

Des Moines, Iowa. What are the things that pop into your head? Corn, cows, farms, boring. Wrongo! There is so much more in Des Moines and the surrounding area than what you may think. There’s nothing better than a local to share with you the best Des Moines points of interest that travelers will not want to miss! And as a native and proud Iowan, I am happy to be your tour guide to the top 5 Des Moines points of interest worth checking out. So get out your notepad and come along!

5 Des Moines Iowa Points of Interest You’ll Want to Check Out

1 Food

Des Moines has an amazing food scene. I know people may think its only corn and pork, but there is SO much more. A main factor to that growing food scene is the renovation the city started going through around 15 years ago. Local restaurateurs and national chains have converted old warehouses or buildings into amazing eateries. Some of the best are Django, Proof 39, Bubba’s, and my absolute favorite is Centro (Italian, I can never say…

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