Recipe of the week: Tortilla con boletus

When taking over the family business, Chef Juanjo López realised he had to stay loyal to the authenticity and intensity of traditional flavours. Among the worldwide known Spanish dishes is tortilla. Some like it with onion, some without. Some crave it runny, some like it set. Chef Juanjo López likes his without onion and on the runny side. And, although he respects the traditional recipe, he likes to add thinly sliced boletus on top. The result is a combination of strong flavours with a mouth explosion of potato and eggs married with the freshness of raw boletus.

Ingredients (for 4 people)

500g of waxy potatoes
5 large free-range eggs
500 ml of Spanish olive oil
1 boletus edulis mushroom
Black pepper
Drizzle of olive oil for presentation


Peel the potatoes and carefully cut them into thin slices.

Pour the olive oil in a deep frying pan over medium heat and, once hot, add the potatoes.

Turn the heat down to medium low and cook the…

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