Casco Viejo Old Quarter Guide: Panama City’s Cutest Neighborhood

casco viejo guide

casco viejo panama city

panama city neighborhood guide

I spent over 3 weeks in Panama City, and my favorite part, by far, was Casco Viejo – or the old historic district. It’s by far the most Instagrammable place in Panama City and I’ve put together this Casco Viejo old quarter guide so you know exactly where to go.

This neighborhood is jam packed with the prettiest historic buildings – some perfectly restored, and some crumbling (but kinda in a pretty way).

casco viejo panama

panama city panama what to do

historic buildings panama city

It’s also the artsy neighborhood, packed with shops, galleries, boutiques, restaurants, cafes and nightlife. And it’s a little peninsula surrounded by the Pacific ocean, so there are picturesque views on all sides.

I highly recommend spending most of your time in Panama City in Casco Viejo, before heading on to explore other parts of the country – like the Caribbean islands of Bocas del Toro, the cloud forest of Boquete, the surf towns of the Azuero Peninsula, or the picture perfect San Blas Islands.

Casco Viejo is a great place to stay, or just go to wander the streets,…

Categories:   Hippie In Heels
